
Three Key Tools to Supercharge Your MarCom

Three Key Tools to Supercharge Your MarCom

What companies get wrong about case studies, white papers, and press releases – plus our top 10 tips to help your organization stand out from the pack The government contracting market is a competitive and dynamic space. Of the many organizations that seek to establish or expand their reach there,…

How to Write a Standout Patient Story

How to Write a Standout Patient Story

As a copywriter who specializes in healthcare, I’ve written a lot of success stories featuring a patient. From futuristic neurosurgical techniques that seem like they should be impossible, to a child recovering from severe illness who redefines my understanding of the word “fighter,” I never get tired of writing them. Hospitals and…

How to Have More Good Ideas

How to Have More Good Ideas

The idea-gathering, or “invention,” stage of the writing process is a magical state, full of imagination and inspiration. I haven’t met a writer yet who doesn’t relish the free-flowing ease that the term “invention stage” connotes. Invention is fun. This attitude may be partly to blame for the planning stage’s…